Online Training On SharePoint

Monday, 22 September 2008

URL's to access SharePoint Pages

Here are some URL's to access pages in SharePoint. These URL are helpful to save time and hassles of clicking many times to reach a speicfied page:

The URL's are grouped based on the major functioanlity area:

Users and Permissions:

People and Groups: _layouts/people.aspx

Site Collection Admins: _layouts/mngsiteadmin.aspx

Advanced Permissions: _layouts/user.aspx

Master Pages: _Layouts/ChangeSiteMasterPage.aspx

Look and Feel:

Title, Desc, and Icon: _layouts/prjsetng.aspx

Navigation: _layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx

Page Layout and Ste Templates: _Layouts/AreaTemplateSettings.aspx

Welcome Page: _Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx

Tree View: _layouts/navoptions.aspx

Top Nav Bar: _layouts/topnav.aspx

Site Theme: _layouts/themeweb.aspx

Reset to Site Definition: _layouts/reghost.aspx

Searchable Columns: _Layouts/NoCrawlSettings.aspx

Site Content Types: _layouts/mngctype.aspx


Site Columns: _layouts/mngfield.aspx

Site Templates: _catalogs/wt/Forms/Common.aspx

List Templates: _catalogs/lt/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Web Parts: _catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Workflows: _layouts/wrkmng.aspx

Master Pages and Page Layouts: _catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Regoinal Settings: _layouts/regionalsetng.aspx

Site Administration

Site Libraries and Lists: _layouts/mcontent.aspx

Site Usage Report: _layouts/usageDetails.aspx

User Alerts: _layouts/sitesubs.aspx

RSS: _layouts/siterss.aspx

Search Visibility: _layouts/srchvis.aspx

Sites and Workspaces: _layouts/mngsubwebs.aspx

Site Features: _layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx

Delete This Site: _layouts/deleteweb.aspx

Site Output Cache: _Layouts/areacachesettings.aspx

Content and Structure: _Layouts/sitemanager.aspx

Content and Structure Logs: _Layouts/SiteManager.aspx?lro=all

Search Settings: _layouts/enhancedSearch.aspx

Site Collection Administration

Search Scopes: _layouts/viewscopes.aspx?mode=site

Search Keywords: _layouts/listkeywords.aspx

Recycle Bin: _layouts/AdminRecycleBin.aspx

Site Collection Features: _layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site

Site Hierachy: _layouts/vsubwebs.aspx

Portal Site Connection: _layouts/portal.aspx

Site Collection Audit Settings: _layouts/AuditSettings.aspx

Site Collection Policies: _layouts/Policylist.aspx

Site Collection Cache Profiles: Cache%20Profiles/AllItems.aspx

Site Collection Output Cache: _Layouts/sitecachesettings.aspx

Site Collection Object Cache: _Layouts/objectcachesettings.aspx

Variations: _Layouts/VariationSettings.aspx

Variation Labels: _Layouts/VariationLabels.aspx

Translatable Columns: _Layouts/TranslatableSettings.aspx

Variation Logs: _Layouts/VariationLogs.aspx

Site Settings: _layouts/settings.aspx

Monday, 15 September 2008

Changing Master Page for Document Library in SharePoint

We came across a issue with applying master page to the Document Libraries. We have applied a master page to the sites and any web pages that is created in the sites and sub sites shows this master page. However when we click on a document library the default SharePoint Master Page was coming.

On further analysis what we found that there are three master pages used in SharePoint.
1. Master Page for Site Pages. This Master page is used in home page (default.aspx), WebPages etc..
2. Master Page for System Pages like Document Library Item Form pages (All Items.aspx, NewForm.aspx, EditForm.aspx, etc)
3. Master Page for Application Pages under "Layouts" folder. The application pages uses the "application.master" page.

So in the scenarion, we had set the Site pages to use the master page but not the system pages. When we click on document library we will be landing on the Allitems.aspx which is the View Page (System Page) for the "All Items" View. The System Pages are still using the default master page with the default theme and thats the reason the default theme is rendered for the document library.

To Overcome this issue, we need to use the "MasterURL" and the "CustomMasterURL" property to set the master page of "System Pages" and "Site Pages" respectively. In our custom site definition "Onet.xml" find the "Configuration" we used for your template and add the above mentioned properties to it. Set the master page URL (Master Page gallery path) as the value for this both the properties so that our master page and theme in it will be applied to both Site Pages and the System Pages. Following Code snippet can be used for this:
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