Name | Title | Description | Group | Notes |
MossChartWebPart | Chart | Helps you to visualize your data on SharePoint sites and portals. | Miscellaneous | Silverlight |
BusinessDataActionsWebPart | Business Data Actions | Displays a list of actions from the Business Data Catalog. | Business Data | |
BusinessDataAssociationWebPart | Business Data Related List | Displays a list of items related to one or more parent items from a data source in the Business Data Catalog. | Business Data | |
BusinessDataDetailsWebPart | Business Data Item | Displays one item from a data source in the Business Data Catalog. | Business Data | |
BusinessDataFilter | Business Data Connectivity Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values from the Business Data Connectivity. | Business Data | |
BusinessDataItemBuilder | Business Data Item Builder | Creates a Business Data item from parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. | Business Data | |
BusinessDataListWebPart | Business Data List | Displays a list of items from a data source in the Business Data Catalog. | Business Data | |
IndicatorWebPart | Indicator Details | Displays the details of a single Status Indicator. Status Indicators display an important measure for an organization and may be obtained from other data sources including SharePoint lists, Excel workbooks, and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPIs. | Business Data | |
KpiListWebPart | Status List | Shows a list of Status Indicators. Status Indicators display important measures for your organization, and show how your organization is performing with respect to your goals. | Business Data | |
MSSimpleForm | HTML Form | Connects simple form controls to other Web Parts. | Content Rollup | |
MSXml | XML Viewer | Transforms XML data using XSL and shows the results. | Content Rollup | |
MSPictureLibrarySlideshow | Picture Library Slideshow | Use to display a slideshow of images and photos from a picture library. | Content Rollup | |
WhatsPopularWebPart | Web Analytics | Displays the most viewed content, most popular search queries, or most popular clicked search results as reported by Web Analytics for the site or site collection. | Content Rollup | |
RssViewer | RSS Viewer | Displays an RSS feed. | Content Rollup | |
ContentQuery | Content Query | Displays a dynamic view of content from your site. | <><><><><>SharePoint Server 2010 Web Parts >>>>Content Rollup | Requires Publishing Feature |
MSUserDocs | Relevant Documents | Displays documents that are relevant to the current user. | Documents | |
FilterActions | Filter Actions | Use the Filter Actions Web Part when you have two or more filter Web Parts on one Web Part Page, and you want to synchronize the display of the filter results. | Filters | |
AuthoredListFilter | Choice Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values entered by the page author. | Filters | |
DateFilter | Date Filter | Filter the contents of Web Parts by allowing users to enter or pick a date. | Filters | |
OlapFilter | SQL Analysis Server Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values from SQL Server Analysis Services cubes. | Filters | |
PageContextFilter | Page Field Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts using information about the current page. | Filters | |
QueryStringFilter | Query String (URL) Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts using values passed via the query string. | Filters | |
SpListFilter | SharePoint List Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts by using a list of values. | Filters | |
TextFilter | Text Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts by allowing users to enter a text value. | Filters | |
UserContextFilter | Current User Filter | Filters the contents of Web Parts by using properties of the current user. | Filters | |
MSContentEditor | Content Editor | Allows authors to enter rich text content. | Media and Content | |
MSPageViewer | Page Viewer | Displays another Web page on this Web page. The other Web page is presented in an IFrame. | Media and Content | |
MSImage | Image Viewer | Displays a specified image. | Media and Content | |
Silverlight | Silverlight | A web part to display a Silverlight application. | Media and Content | |
Media | Media | Use to embed media clips (video and audio) in a web page. | >Media and Content | |
owa | My Mail Folder | Displays your mail folder using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000. | My Information | Requires Publishing Feature |
owainbox | My Inbox | Displays your inbox using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later. | My Information | |
owacalendar | My Calendar | Displays your calendar using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later. | My Information | |
owatasks | My Tasks | Displays your tasks using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later. | My Information | |
owacontacts | My Contacts | Displays your contacts using Outlook Web Access for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or later. | My Information | |
siteFramer | Site Aggregator | Displays sites of your choice. | Navigation | |
CategoryWebPart | Categories | Displays categories from the Site Directory. | Navigation | |
CategoryResultsWebPart | Sites In Category | Displays sites from the Site Directory within a specific category. | Navigation | |
TagCloud | Tag Cloud | Displays the most popular subjects being tagged inside your organization. | Navigation | |
SummaryLink | Summary Links | Allows authors to create links that can be grouped and styled. | >Navigation | |
TableOfContents | Table Of Contents | Displays the navigation hierarchy of your site. | >Navigation | |
Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.BrowserForm | InfoPath Form | Use this Web Part to display an InfoPath browser-enabled form. | Office Client Applications | |
Microsoft.Office.Excel.WebUI | Excel Web Access | Use the Excel Web Access Web Part to interact with an Excel workbook as a Web page. | Office Client Applications | |
WSRPConsumerWebPart | WSRP Viewer | Displays portlets from web sites using WSRP 1.1. | Office Client Applications | |
VisioWebAccess | Visio Web Access | Enables viewing and refreshing of published Visio diagrams. | Office Client Applications | |
MSMembers | Site Users | Use the Site Users Web Part to see a list of the site users and their online status. | People | |
MSUserTasks | User Tasks | Displays tasks that are assigned to the current user. | People | |
contactwp | Contact Details | Displays details about a contact for this page or site. | People | |
SocialComment | | Enable users to leave short, publicly-viewable notes about this page. | > | |
ProfileBrowser | Organization Browser | This Web Part displays each person in the reporting chain in an interactive view optimized for browsing organization charts. | >People | Silverlight awear |
ReportViewerWebPart | PerformancePoint Report | This web part displays PerformancePoint reports. Reports may be linked to other web parts to create an interactive dashboard experience. Report types include: Analytic charts & grids, Strategy Maps, Excel Services, Reporting Services, Predictive Trend charts, and web pages. | PerformancePoint | |
FilterWebPart | PerformancePoint Filter | This web part displays PerformancePoint filters. Filters may be linked to other web parts to provide an interactive dashboard experience. Filter types include lists and trees based on a variety of data sources. | PerformancePoint | |
ScorecardWebPart | PerformancePoint Scorecard | This web part displays a PerformancePoint scorecard. Scorecards may be linked to other web parts, such as filters and reports, to create an interactive dashboard experience. | PerformancePoint | |
StackWebPart | PerformancePoint Stack Selector | This web part displays a PerformancePoint Stack Selector. All PerformancePoint web parts, such as filters and reports, contained in the same zone will be automatically stacked and selectable using this web part. | PerformancePoint | > |
AdvancedSearchBox | Advanced Search Box | Displays parameterized search options based on properties and combinations of words. | <><><> >>>>Search | |
PeopleSearchBox | People Search Box | Presents a search box that allows users to search for people. | Search | |
SearchBox | Search Box | Displays a search box that allows users to search for information. | Search | |
SearchCoreResults | Search Core Results | Displays the search results and the properties associated with them. | Search | |
searchsummary | Search Summary | Displays suggestions for current search query. | Search | |
searchstats | Search Statistics | Displays the search statistics such as the number of results shown on the current page, total number of results and time taken to perform the search. | Search | |
searchpaging | Search Paging | Display links for navigating pages containing search results. | Search | |
PeopleSearchCoreResults | People Search Core Results | Displays the people search results and the properties associated with them. | Search | |
SearchBestBets | Search Best Bets | Displays high-confidence results on a search results page. | Search | |
SearchActionLinks | Search Action Links | Displays the search action links on the search results page. | Search | |
TopAnswer | Top Federated Results | Displays the Top Federated result from the configured location. | Search | |
SummaryResults | Federated Results | Displays search results from a configured location. | Search | |
Refinement | Refinement Panel | This webpart helps the users to refine search results. | Search | |
PeopleRefinement | People Refinement Panel | This webpart helps the users to refine people search results. | Search | |
QuerySuggestions | Related Queries | This webpart displays related queries to a user query. | Search | |
DualChineseSearch | Dual Chinese Search | Used to search Dual Chinese document and items at the same time. | Search | |
VisualBestBet | Search Visual Best Bet | Displays Visual Best Bet | Search | |