Online Training On SharePoint

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Content Routing While Editing the Content in SharePoint 2010

With SharePoint 2010 a new feature called Content Orgnizer is introduced. It is very helpful if we want to route the documents/contents to a specific location based on some condition or metadata specified for the content. When we enable this feature a new library called Drop Off Library gets created. Content Router routes all the content first to this document library and then from here based on the the rules the content is further routed to different document libaries or lists.
This works fine when the content is first time created as the content goes to this Drop Off Library but this content routing does not trigger when the content is edited. So as an example if we have a field associated to our content and if we specify a rule saying that whenever user puts the value as XX this needs to be routed to a specific document library. This will work fine when a user creates the content and specify the value as XX but if a user edits the content and specify the value as XX this will not work. We can not overcome this from SharePoint UI.
To solve this problem a workflow can be created using SharePoint 2010 which will move this content to Drop Off Library. Now since this content is again in the Drop Off library the routing rule can trigger and place the content in correct location. Here are the steps how to create this workflow in SharePoint Designer:
Select the Action as Send to Repository as shown. These actions are available for Document as well Document Sets.

Once we select this action this puts the following in the workflow:

When we click on this action we have three actions available:
1. Copy: This copies the content in the Drop Off Library.
2. Move: This moves the content to the Drop Off Library.
3. Move and Leave a Link: This moves the content and leaves a link in the current library.

In this Destination Router we just need to give the URL of the Site collection not the full path of the drop off library as there is only one Drop Off library possible in each site collection.

With this workflow action the content routing can be used while editing the Content.

1 comment:

Michel Smit said...

There's one DropOff library possible within each web, not each site collection.The Content Organizer feature is a web-scoped feature which will create a Drop Off library on the current web.

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