Online Training On SharePoint

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Getting Started with PowerShell for SharePoint 2010

PowerShell is very powerful tool to help to do and automate lot of activities in SharePoint. But somtime it become exhausting to learn the commands which are too many. I found these four commands quite helpful for a head start in PowerShell for SharePoint:

1. If we want to list all the SharePoint cmdlets we can use the following command:
Get-Command “*sp*” –CommandType cmdlet
2. To get a count of all the SharePoint cmdlets grouped by Verb use the following command:
Get-Command “*sp*” –CommandType cmdlet | Group-Object –Property Verb 
3. To list all the SharePoint cmdlets grouped by Verb use the following command:
Get-Command “*sp*” –CommandType cmdlet | Format-Table –Property Name,Definition –GroupBy Verb 
4. To get help for any cmdlet use the following command. Just replace the cmdlet name with the name of the command:
Get-Help <cmdlet>-Full

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